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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Seifert

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Joachim Seifert

TU Dresden

Speaker of N5GEH


Phone: +49 351 463-34909

E-Mail: joachim.seifert@tu-dresden.de

Field of activity

Joachim Seifert's research focuses on thermal comfort, system analyses of energy supply systems, regional virtual power plants as well as the development of software and control engineering in the context of the N5GEH project. In addition, Joachim Seifert develops software for the thermal modelling of complex energy supply structures and Hardware in the Loop setups. Joachim Seifert also intensively accompanies hardware developments (RVK gateway) as well as comprehensive field tests of micro-CHP systems in Oldenburg and the surrounding area. He is speaker of the N5GEH at the TU Dresden.


Joachim Seifert studied mechanical engineering at the TU Dresden from 1995 - 2000. From 2001 - 2005 he did his doctorate on "The influence of air flows on the thermal and aerodynamic conditions in buildings". During this time, Joachim Seifert completed various stays abroad. These include, for example, stays at Alborg University in Denmark and Hong Kong University (SAR). Joachim Seifert habilitated on "A contribution to the assessment of the energetic and exergetic savings potential of control processes in heating technology" in 2009. Since 2009, he has headed the Building Energy Technology division at the Institute of Energy Technology at the TU Dresden. At the TU Dresden, Joachim Seifert represents the fields of ventilation technology / gas technology - sanitary technology and gives lectures on the subject of digitisation of energy technology. In addition, he is member of national and international standardization committees. In addition to his work at the TU Dresden, Prof. Seifert has held a guest professorship at the TU Berlin in cooperation with the Einstein Center Digital Future since 12/2019. The professorship has the name "Digital Networking of Buildings, Energy Supply Systems and Users". At the TU Berlin, Prof. Seifert represents the teaching area "Communication Technology in Thermal and Electrical Power Engineering" as well as "Building Automation".