The cloud platform created as part of the N5GEH project (National 5G Energy Hub) should and should always be freely accessible and usable. This central requirement of the funding body BMWK – formerly BMWi) was and is focused on and communicated at all times. The transparent and open handling of the results and especially the software products of the project has led to other project consortia becoming aware of the possibilities of the cloud infrastructure created in the N5GEH project and already benefiting from it in part, irrespective of the current funding phase II.


These so-called associated projects are listed in the right-hand sidebar.


You are welcome to benefit from the findings and products of the N5GEH research project with your project!
Please contact us.


TU Dresden / Institute of Power Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Seifert
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463-34909

RWTH Aachen – E.ON Energy Research Center
Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Müller
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 8049761