Stephan Groß, M.Sc.

Stephan Groß, M.Sc.

RWTH Aachen

former Contributor of N5GEH


Phone: +49 241 80 49748


Field of activity

Stephan Gross elaborates the increasing digitization of the energy system with a focus on district level. Here, he works on planning, evaluating and operating of the energy system with mostly distributed software concepts. A focus of his work is the utilization of cloud computing resources for computational heavy tasks with high real-time demands, as for example in State Estimation calculation for the power grid.


Stephan Gross studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University with the specification energy engineering. During his studies, he worked as a student assistant in the field of energetic Co-Simulations of city districts. In 2014, he operated the battery HIL test bed for Engie SA in Brussels, Belgian. After graduation in 2015 he joined the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems as a research associate.