Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Krahmer

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Krahmer

TU Dresden

former Contributor of N5GEH


Phone: +49 351 463-39993

E-Mail: sebastian.krahmer@tu-dresden.de

Field of activity

Mr. Krahmer deals with the contribution of decentralized energy resources to ancillary services in the context of the complex energy transition. The focus here is on the design of operational management concepts as well as the implementation of network reduction procedures. Another focus of his work is the stability of decentralized plant controls against the background of current and future communication standards.  


Mr. Krahmer studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Dresden, majoring in electrical energy technology. During his studies he was a participant of the "Network²" scholarship program of EnBW AG and completed an internship at 50Hertz Transmission GmbH in Berlin in the field of network management/principle issues. He graduated in 2014. Since 2015 he has been employed as a research assistant at the "Institute for Electrical Power Supply and High Voltage Technology" at Dresden University of Technology.