IoT-Test-Bench RWTH Aachen

Demonstrator TU Dresden       Demonstrator RWTH Aachen



The IoT test bench represents a partial section of a room air conditioning system on a laboratory scale, whereby the volume of air conveyed can be varied and the air volume flow can be conditioned with heat. The research focus here is the investigation of the underlying automation system(s), as three different control concepts are available: One local system and two systems connected to the FIWARE cloud. For the two cloud systems, all communication with a FIWARE instance at RWTH Aachen University proceeds under consideration of encryption, authentication and authorization.
More detailed information can be read with pleasure in the following publication:
Blechmann et al. “Open source platform application for smart building and smart grid controls”. In: Automation in Construction 145 (2023), p. 104622. ISSN: 09265805. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104622.


General view of the IoT test bench