Dipl.-Ing. Bettina Schäfer

Dipl.-Ing. Bettina Schäfer

RWTH Aachen

former Contributor of N5GEH


Phone: +49 241 80 49714

E-Mail: bschaefer@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de

Field of activity

Bettina Schäfer coordinates the scientific contributions of the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) at RWTH Aachen University in her role as chief engineer of the institute. Her major focus lies on the overarching integration of the domains energy and information and communication technologies (ICT).


Bettina Schäfer received her Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University in 1994. As of then she worked in the telecommunications area for the company Ericsson at different locations in Germany and in the U.S., covering various positions in product and solution management, verification and system management. She joined the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems in 2011, working as research associate for the FP7 project FINSENY. As of the end of 2011, she holds the position of Chief Engineer of the institute ACS.